Friday, 25 February 2011

One does like her vintage tea cups…

I am so sleepy. I’m still recovering from my 4 days working at the Stitches trade show at the NEC Birmingham in my alter-ego marketing role. So I am heavily relying on caffeine to get me through the days. And what better way to take coffee, but in a vintage china cup? Avid Charlie Moments readers will remember these cute little finds during my bargain Saturday, a few weeks back.

Me and my little tea cup

Teacups of course are useful for more than just looking posh whilst sipping your brew. Most popular of course are the shabby chic teacup candles you can make, and possibly the best project I’ve found for this is in Martha Stewart’s Encyclopaedia of Crafts. This is a great book that is absolutely packed with projects for every craft imaginable. It really does leave you wondering if there is anything that woman can’t do when it comes to turning her hand to crafts!

Martha Stewart's teacup candles
However, for those less hands on crafty people, there are tons of teacups you can buy on Etsy and Folksy. Here are a few of my favourites:
From princesscraftonline  a delicate antique Royal Albert 'Dell' fine bone china teacup decorated with sweet orange and yellow flowers

SweetElise has made a stunning candle from this boldly patterned teacup  
And just because I love her name The Dizzy Flea offers this beautiful blue and white teacup candle.

Beautiful, chic and romantic. Vintage teacup candles really just add that something. I wish I still had mine. But that was before the cat came along…

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I've got one like that with a tealight in on my mantelpiece!
