Friday, 25 February 2011

One does like her vintage tea cups…

I am so sleepy. I’m still recovering from my 4 days working at the Stitches trade show at the NEC Birmingham in my alter-ego marketing role. So I am heavily relying on caffeine to get me through the days. And what better way to take coffee, but in a vintage china cup? Avid Charlie Moments readers will remember these cute little finds during my bargain Saturday, a few weeks back.

Me and my little tea cup

Teacups of course are useful for more than just looking posh whilst sipping your brew. Most popular of course are the shabby chic teacup candles you can make, and possibly the best project I’ve found for this is in Martha Stewart’s Encyclopaedia of Crafts. This is a great book that is absolutely packed with projects for every craft imaginable. It really does leave you wondering if there is anything that woman can’t do when it comes to turning her hand to crafts!

Martha Stewart's teacup candles
However, for those less hands on crafty people, there are tons of teacups you can buy on Etsy and Folksy. Here are a few of my favourites:
From princesscraftonline  a delicate antique Royal Albert 'Dell' fine bone china teacup decorated with sweet orange and yellow flowers

SweetElise has made a stunning candle from this boldly patterned teacup  
And just because I love her name The Dizzy Flea offers this beautiful blue and white teacup candle.

Beautiful, chic and romantic. Vintage teacup candles really just add that something. I wish I still had mine. But that was before the cat came along…

Monday, 14 February 2011

The baby booties boom

There seems to have a been a bit of a baby boom going on around me. And instead of getting in on the action myself, I have decided to go along a different route and got into the baby knitting mode.

I came across this gorgeous baby mary jane shoe pattern, and decided to have a trial go. The finished result looks pretty good, however, that is only after I had to unpick it after sewing the strap on back to front!

It's really good fun and quick to knit. (When you get it right). Just need to knit the other one and hope it matches. Or there will be a baby out there with odd shoes ala Helena Bonham Carter at the Golden Globes.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Rocket Dog wedding shoes? Surely not!

Yesterday I decided to step up the wedding shoe search, after all my wedding is now less than 8 weeks away. So I recruited one of my bridesmaids, and we started our search in wedding dress shops, but very little there. Then went to trusty Debenhams, so fruitful last week for bridesmaid shoes, but alas this week it failed us.
But then, it was like a lightbulb went on, lets check out Schuh!. Now of course, there was the problem that Schuh is a little too trendy perhaps for the traditional wedding, but in we walked having seen a few ivory satin type shoes displayed in the window, determined to give it the benefit of the doubt.
A very harrased looking assistant brought shoe after shoe for me. They pinched, the squeezed, and quite frankly, some of the looked awful. But then I saw them... The perfect little peep toe, with ruffled ivory material.

Quite the 1940s glam shoe. So barefoot, I walked over and picked them up and saw, to my absolute astonishment and delight, that they were in fact Rocket Dogs. Now anyone who knows me, will know that I have a slight obsession with Rocket Dog shoes. I regularly wear their boots and have a number of pumps (that I update every year). I couldn't believe my luck. I slipped my foot inside, and felt the divine comfort that is most definitely a Rocket Dog trait. They looked gorgeous. The only problem is that the sole is black. And now I'm worried that they will stick out like a sore thumb. And there is my dilemma. Advice? Help? All gratefully received...